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About You

Some of the first key questions we work with you to answer are these:

  1. What are your core values and definition of a successful life?

  2. What (before you die) do you most wish to accomplish, experience, give or receive?

  3. If you could do or be anything in life, what would you do/be?

  4. What do you own today and what are the common risks with these products?

  5. Are you positioned correctly right now to not run out of money i.e., to support your lifestyle at present as well as into your retirement?

  6. Is your financial  management system up to date and securely integrated? -i.e., do you have your living trust, estate plan, insurances, charitable bequests, legacy planning, and investment strategies appropriately aligned to security and performance? (If no, or if it’s been more than 2 years, it is important to review your portfolio or at least get an independent second opinion.)

  7. How will you stay on course with your wealth-building plan as life events change?

...And if you join our team, expect that we will be routinely looking together at these (and more) introspective questions over the course of your life time and our financial navigation process together! 

It's Your Life!

Image by Mohamed Nohassi

Most people today – and most money managers today! – still separate financial planning / strategy and investment portfolio management from a person’s life values and every day financial circumstances and changes.


As a culture we seldom even talk about our money or our relationship to it with any real conscious integration with how our money is actively serving (or not serving) that which we hold most near and dear in life.  As a consequence, we often end up living lives that serve our money needs instead of truly knowing how to have our money serve our life purpose, dreams and values.


What we’ve realized in over 3 decades in this business is this:

  • Most people assume that their banker or broker knows best what to do with their money …and just leave it at that.  


But here’s the thing:  

  • Sound financial investment cannot be standardized. No two people’s circumstances are alike, so how can a generic portfolio be optimal to all your specific unique needs?


  • And even though most all financial advisers have access to most of the same tools, technologies and investment placements, they do not all have the same “best practices” nor independence required to have the full array of customization options.  (The notable exception here being the greater degree of training, standard of license,  and tools available to independent RIA’s. See related post.)


There is a hugely complex matrix to apply in order to design a financial investment strategy and portfolio that is correct for a specific person:  correct for their values; correct for their life goals, their age, their income potential and life-span, their current and predicted health, their desire for fun along the way, and correct for their constantly changing (and often unanticipated and unpredictable) life circumstances (such as divorce, loss of health, inheritance, relocation etc.)


  • A financial investment strategy — to be of any great sustainable value and wealth building success — must factor all of these unique personal qualities into an evolving responsive system of excellent money management.


In other words:

A correct investment portfolio must start from and remain “correct for the person” (and corrected for that person) throughout all the big AND small daily life decisions, detours, derailments, and re-directions that come into play in real life and that have a very real and rippling effect impact on ones financial plan!


One of the very first things we do when we enter into a relationship with you, is to engage you in an in-depth process of self-discovery and visioning.  Without your visioning and clarity of life goals put into the equation, no investment plan can be optimally successful nor set up to be engagingly sustaining to your adapting situations in life. 


Only from this engaged sense of self do we find it effective to dive into the traditional role of financial adviser with our thorough set of financial analyses, growth markers, and set of strategic and customized investment scenarios.


We work with you very closely at the inception of a customized financial investment strategy and throughout our ongoing life partnership to optimally set you up with your own customized Financial Navigation System(FNS) –  our proprietary system for successfully navigating your wealth-building plan:  in real life; in real time; and with real changing life circumstances (Think of the GPS applied to your finances).  


This is a revolutionary integral approach, where money is put into its rightful service to your life vision and meaning.  

It is an organic and conscious relationship we ask you to have with your wealth, and how it intersects on a daily basis with your present needs and goals and your future vision and dreams.


Offices: Oregon, California, New York


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